Ministry Must Consult Residents before Imposing Special Interest Councillors

The Bulawayo Progressive Residents Association (BPRA) has received with apprehension, media reports that the Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development (LGRUD) is at an advanced staged of selecting eight special interest councillors for the Bulawayo City Council (BCC).

The association is stunned at the patronising, detached and secretive manner with which the ministry has handled this matter so far, as no consultation was done with the residents to enquire as to where current councillors are lacking and which special interest areas residents feel would need special representation on.
Also disturbing is the fact that the selection of the yet unnamed ‘experts’ is being done by the Governor and Provincial Administrator, offices that have so far reflected a lack of consideration for non-partisan views otherwise always openly pushing forward the agenda of ZANU PF.

It is the view of BPRA that the Ministry of LGRUD has a mandate to consult the people before imposing representatives on them. It is also imperative that the residents are allowed to choose for themselves which areas need special attention from ‘experts’ as well as a say into which ‘experts’ are eventually selected for this important task.

The Min of LGRUD must understand that the residents are not totally rejecting the idea of special interest councillors, but the process in which they are being imposed. BPRA also believes that if special interest councillors are to be appointed, this must be done in line with the special needs of the city and representing vulnerable groups in our society like the physically challenged, women, youths, and HIV/AIDS orphans amongst others. Moreover, Minister Chombo must recall that the first set of special interest councillors where rejected by the residents of Bulawayo because of imposition. It would thus be folly for him to use the same methods as before and expect a different result.

Despite all the challenges and negativity the BCC has been facing lately, it is BPRA’s considered opinion that the BCC still remains one of the best run councils in the country. The Association therefore calls upon all involved leaders to seriously think about consulting all the residents of Bulawayo before imposing special interest councillors on them.

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